We are all in this together.
We are joined. We fool ourselves into thinking we are not joined.
The truth about our relationships, as we deal with it day to day, is a very small part of a larger truth I like to call “The Oneness.â€Â In the oneness, we are all joined.
We have a choice and that choice is contained in The Oneness. We have thoughts, feelings, desires, needs, perceptions, beliefs and illusions. We choose our own behavior and the form, intensity and duration of our relationships. Still, these choices are made within a larger reality. Everything we know and manifest is already contained within The Oneness; our task is to realize this.
When we choose against that larger truth, we move to selfishness, the space of our own individual egos, our shell. This is where we are hurt, defensive, afraid, abusive, controlling and violent. This is when we believe we are alone.
When we choose to honor The Oneness, we realize inclusion, joining, collaboration, synergy and the larger light of love, which is always there. This choice is the real, significant choice you have before you and that choice is present in each relationship you have…friends, parents, children, spouses and lovers.
All of us are working on this, our journey to oneness. We are all in the search to realize our love and our joining. Each “failure,†each divorce, each betrayal, each marriage, each new beginning is an incremental step in our quest.
To join in this oneness of love is the meaning of life. When we are able to fully love another human being and to open ourselves to receive another’s love, our life purpose is fulfilled. That is all we need hope for.
The rest is gravy.