
PSALM FOR THE EARTH – No deposit, no return

Dedicated to the people of New Orleans

The trash man is my shepherd; I shall not want

He maketh me to lie down in littered fields and

He leadeth me beside the polluted waters.

He resoreth nothing.

He leadeth me to use everything once

And discard it, for the dollar’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through a valley of green

It will not last long,

For waste thou art with me,

Thy aluminum cans and filter tips

Will discomfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me and

The food and water on it may be my enemies.

Thou annoinest my head with smog,

My eyes runneth over.

Surely emphysema and nervous tension

Shall follow me

all the days of my life

and I shall dwell in the city forever.